
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quick and easy Stuffed Peppers

Quick and easy is my kind of meal.  Lately, I haven't been the best at meal planning.  I keep lots of healthy staples in the house and make a grocery list, but I have failed to plan out my meals.  Usually, it is 5 p.m. and I'm trying to figure out what I can quickly whip up for my family.  My stuffed peppers are quick and easy, and loved by all in our family.  You could even add brown rice, although we prefer them without.

I hope you enjoy my stuffed peppers. What are your go to recipes for  a quick meal?

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Do you set goals? Lately I have been pondering the importance of setting goals. Goals help keep us focused and give you direction. I don't know about you, but if I don't write something down chances are I will forget it. The same goes for our goals, when we write them down we are proclaiming them and making them real. In May I wrote down my business goals for the first time ever. I wrote short-term and long-term goals and hung them in my closet. By placing them in a visible place I look at them at them multiple times a day. It was scary writing down my goals. What if I didn't meet my goals? I didn't want to feel like a failure, but I found that writing down my goals and looking at them every day gave me drive to accomplish my goals and work harder. When I wrote them down, they became real, they weren't just in my head so I could no longer ignore them. Whether you are wanting to set fitness goals, nutrition goals, business goals or just personal goals, it important to write down your goals. Your goals need to be specific and realistic. Don't limit yourself to just short-term goals, but think about your long-term goals. Where do you want to be next month, next year or in five years? It may seem hard to write down your goals for five years down the road, but it forces you to sit down and think about where you want to be in the future. In my case, building a business takes time and it gives me long term goals to reach for. Take a few moments and think about your goals for this month. They can be personal or business, but write down your goals for this month. I am sharing my goals for this month with you. They are my own personal goals for myself. I will check back in next month and let you know how it went!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What have we been up to......

Summer is quickly passing! We finished up softball with closing ceremonies Saturday and I am glad to finally be done and have that off the schedule.  My daughter did really well and made a lot of progress.  She loved it and is looking forward to playing next year.

We are looking forward to finally being able to relax and enjoy summer!  I see a lot of days relaxing by the pool and I have a couple other fun things planned. What fun things do you have planned for your kids this summer?

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for the perfect nail cream/oil. I have hard nails, but they will get dry and start to split and peel. I put this recipe together a couple weeks ago and I have been using it every night since. I have noticed a huge difference in my nails and so far no splitting and peeling. It will be a great addition come winter when the cold, dry air depletes the moisture from my nails. Give it a try and let me know what you think? What do you use to keep your nails and cuticles in tip top shape?

I am looking forward to hear how you will be spending your summer.  I am always looking for great ideas and activities. Happy Wednesday!

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Chobani's #BreakYouMake

Did you know June 3 was Chobani Flips National Break You Make Day? Well, it was and Chobani is challenging everyone to participate in their #breakyoumake campaign to nominate someone they think deserves a break.  When it comes down to it, everyone needs a break every now and then.

It wasn't hard to think of someone, however, I wanted to take a moment to talk about someone special to me who I think deserves a break, my mom.

My mom stayed at home and took care of us. She spent her time raising us and growing up, I never realized how much of a sacrifice that was. She was always there for us when we needed her. Now that I am grown with kids of my own, I realize just how much she did for us. Now that I am grown, she has turned into a friend. She has always gone out of her way to help others.  She now spends time watching her grandson and helping out with her other grandkids. Thanks for all you did and do for us mom! Take time for yourself and enjoy a much needed break!

Click HERE for a $1 coupon on a Chobani Flip.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sugar Scrub...

I love this sugar scrub!  I use it a couple times a week.  It keeps my skin feeling soft and smooth.  It is also great on your feet to keep them nice and smooth, especially during the summer months when you are wearing sandals.  I like to switch out the oils for endless possibilities.  Take a few minutes to whip it together and let me know what you think!  

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hair Rinse

I first made this hair rinse a couple years ago.  Since then, I have revised it just a little. I had ran out and just didn't take the time to make more.  When I finally did a couple weeks ago, I had forgotten how much of a difference it made in my hair. It cuts down on the frizziness and my hair is also softer.

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